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+44 1371 878 802

WashTec UK Ltd.

14a Oak Industrial Park

Chelmsford Road

Great Dunmow

Essex CM6 1XN

Phone: +44 1371 878 800

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Compliance & Whistleblower Protection


Compliance is the adherence to legal and internal regulations. We at WashTec see this as an essential element of good corporate governance.

WashTec Code of Conduct & WashTec Supplier Code of Conduct

Our long-term success requires strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and the maintenance and development of high ethical standards in our business activities. The trust of our customers, suppliers, shareholders and business partners in our company and our products is our greatest asset.

The Management Board of the WashTec Group has therefore adopted this WashTec Code of Conduct. It defines our basic requirements for the principles of conduct in business life and helps ensure that risks are promptly identified and minimized or completely avoided.

We are proud to work with business partners worldwide. Our goal is to make the business relationship as beneficial, reliable and sustainable as possible, for both sides. The principles of sustainable and responsible corporate governance – long-term responsibility towards our business partners, the environment, society and our employees – are therefore essential criteria for our conduct.

The WashTec Supplier Code of Conduct sets out requirements for our direct suppliers and service providers (“Suppliers”) for legally compliant and sustainable business conduct. The Supplier complies with the requirements of this Supplier Code of Conduct in its business activities and makes reasonable efforts to ensure compliance with these requirements along its supply chains.

Whistle-blower system

Misconduct and violations of applicable legal requirements, internal regulations and the WashTec (Supplier) Code of Conduct are not tolerated at WashTec.

Our Grievance and Reporting Procedure (hereinafter “Procedure”) ensures proper investigation of any information about human rights or environmental risks or violations within the meaning of the German Supply Chain Act (“Grievances”) or about other violations of applicable law or of internal stipulations (“Reports”). This procedure is standardized for the entire WashTec Group. An electronic grievance and reporting system (“whistleblower system”) is available for the submission of information. Information can be submitted confidentially and, if desired, anonymously on the whistleblower system website, which is available to everyone at this link.

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