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+44 1371 878 802

WashTec UK Ltd.

14a Oak Industrial Park

Chelmsford Road

Great Dunmow

Essex CM6 1XN

Phone: +44 1371 878 800

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The new digital world
of car washing

The digital revolution is changing the world. Everything is getting easier, faster and more digital. And: The competition is getting tougher and customers' expectations in terms of convenience and service are growing. Those who are not prepared for this stand to lose. EasyCarWash re-thinks your car wash business and relationship with customers. The completely new digital washing concept enables you to free your car wash business from the dependence on the weather, season and day of the week. And you increase your profit by 20% or more.

Boost your car wash and profit regardless of the weather with EasyCarWash.

The EasyCarWash principle: Using the EasyCarWash app, your customers can easily and smartly book and pay for their car wash: whether UnlimitedWash for unlimited washes, conveniently topping up credit with WashWallet or SingleWash for individual washes.

Your advantages as an operator:

  • Higher sales, higher profits: UnlimitedWash customers spend twice as much on car washes as regular customers.
  • Car wash business independent of the weather: UnlimitedWash customers provide you with constant sales regardless of weather and time of the year/day.
  • Higher washing frequency: UnlimitedWash customers wash their cars 3 to 4 times more frequently than regular customers – which also means 3 to 4 times more customer contacts for other products and services at your station.
  • Loyal customers through increased convenience: EasyCarWash is the easiest way to wash your car. The high level of convenience sets you apart from your competition.
  • Strong marketing support: WashTec supports you with attractive marketing campaigns – easily accessible via the EasyCarWash admin tool.
  • Greater customer loyalty:EasyCarWash is the easy way to acquiring new customers and keeping existing customers loyal to your station.
  • Differentiation from the competition: You position yourself as an innovative car wash operator – and show how car washing is done today.
  • Everything in view: The EasyCarWash admin tool puts you in control of every aspect of your EasyCarWash business.

The advantages for your customers:

  • Easy handling: UnlimitedWash customers: pay once, wash as often as they like
  • Free app: for iOS und Android.
  • Easy selection: Free choice between single washes and UnlimitedWash
  • Cancell-able on a monthly basis: The UnlimitedWash offer can be cancelled monthly.
  • Convenient payment: Payment options within the app.
  • Drive-In: The easiest and most convenient way to wash your car. Either stay in the car while washing or get out of the car

EasyCarWash - how car washing is done today

The EasyCarWash platform consists of:

  • EasyCarWash admin tool
  • Identification system
  • Connection component
  • Payment module
  • EasyCarWash app

The EasyCarWash app –
the smart business model.

Your customers can download the EasyCarWash app for free from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

The app allows customers to buy car washes from you. With the UnlimitedWash option, car wash customers pay a monthly fee and can then wash their car as often as they like. With WashWallet they can top up their credit or buy single washes with SinglePay.

Everything convenient with innovative services and without waiting for a long time at the kiosk.
The EasyCarWash app is your mobile, smart tool for more profit, new customers, and greater customer loyalty.

And this is how it works:

Kunde fährt an die Portalanlage

The customer drives up to the gantry car wash.

Kamera scannt das Nummernschild

A camera mounted there scans the licence plate number.

Waschflatrate digital kaufen

The pre-selected washing programme is started via the EasyCarWash app.

Auto fährt in Waschanlage

The customer drives into the car wash.

Kunde startet über Startknopf die Wäsche

Drive-in option: Customers can remain seated in their vehicles. If they get out, they start the wash in the normal way by pressing the start button.

Waschprogramm startet

The wash programme starts.

EasyCarWash Admin

The EasyCarWash admin tool is your central cockpit. With your usual web browser you have access to all the products and services and can easily configure and control your customised EasyCarWash offer.

Dashboard and general settings.


  • Acquire key performance indicators on your car wash business with EasyCarWash, e.g. the average number of washes during the day, the number of UnlimitedWash customers, the average number of washes per customer, and more.

General settings:

  • Customise the look of the app to suit your own requirements.
  • Define information about the various stations displayed in the app.
  • Manage and upload the applicable terms and conditions and a legal notice.

Products and customers.


  • Configure UnlimitedWash offers, WashWallet offers (top up credit) and single washes, which your car wash customers can select via the EasyCarWash app.
  • For each offer, define numerous details yourself, e.g. name of wash programme, price of a single wash, price per month for UnlimitedWash plan, etc.


  • Obtain an overview of all your car wash customers including their names and phone numbers as well as an overview of the washes they have purchased.

Fleet management.

  • Create customer groups in order to be able to offer e.g. special deals for a specific group of car wash customers, e.g. a taxi company or a plumbing company.
  • Bank details: Define your bank account details to which payments from car wash/fleet customers are to be transferred.
  • Accounting & invoicing: Create invoices sent by e-mail to the car wash customers/fleet customers for the services used via the EasyCarWash platform.
  • Invoice template: Customise your invoice layout: e.g. enter information such as contact details, company name and headers and footers to be displayed on the invoice.

Fraud detection.

  • Have an overview of potential cases of fraud by wash customers identified by the system.
  • Either inform the car wash customer or cancel the customer's membership immediately.

User management.

  • Every user of the car wash has access to EasyCarWash admin system (administrator access).
  • The administrator can create new user accounts, e.g. for employees, who then define the settings. Access to the backend may be restricted by user.

EasyCarWash marketing package.

  • Benefit from comprehensive support in the form of a professional marketing package.
  • Tailored for different target groups and offers.
  • Easy to customise and order
EasyCarWash Admin Cockpit
EasyCarWash Admin Cockpit

EasyCarWash app

The EasyCarWash app enables your customers to simply book and pay for their car wash directly on their mobile device. You can customise the app in an instant – with your company logo and image.

How the EasyCarWash app works for your customers:

  1. Select car wash station
  2. Register/sign in with customer details
  3. Choose single wash, credit or flatrate
  4.  Select wash programme

The customer then drives up to the car wash, where a camera scans their licence plate, the customer drives into the car wash and starts the pre-agreed wash programme via the EasyCarWash app.
So easy!

EasyCarWash App

EasyCarWash: The new digital world of car washing

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 Find more EasyCarWash videos on YouTube.